Newtown Township
Bucks County
100 Municipal Drive
Newtown, PA 18940
Proposal Submittal: Proposals must be submitted to Newtown Township, Attn: Township Manager, per
the Submittal Instructions Section of this RFQ.
Newtown Township reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, to waive any component in any
proposal, and to select the proposal that best meets the Township’s needs.
Newtown Township (“Township”), Bucks County, a Second Class Township, which operates under a
5-member Board of Supervisor – Manager form of government, is seeking qualifications and proposals
from qualified engineering firms (“Consultant”) to provide traffic engineering consulting services for all
Township departments.
The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is to solicit competitive proposals from qualified
firms to provide a full suite of traffic engineering and consulting services. The Newtown Township Board
of Supervisors and staff pride themselves on customer service and responsiveness and are seeking an
experienced Traffic Engineer of Record who can work efficiently and effectively with the Township
Administration to provide excellent services to its residents and the community at large.
A. This RFQ does not commit the Township to pay costs incurred in the preparation of a response. The
Township reserves the right to accept or reject the combined or separate components of this proposal in
part or in its entirety.
B. All responses to the RFQ shall become the property of the Township. Applicants who wish to retrieve
documents submitted as part of the response to the RFQ may do so only after Consultant selection.
C. All costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal, the submission of additional information and/or
any aspect of a proposal prior to award of a written contract will be borne by the respondent.
D. The Township reserves the right to reject and replace any and all subcontractors, and reserves
the right to approve all subcontractors.
The signer of the RFQ must declare in writing that only the person, persons, company or parties
interested in the proposal as principals are named therein; that the proposal is made without collusion
with any other person, persons, company or parties submitting a proposal; that it is in all respects fair
and in good faith without collusion or fraud; and that the signer of the proposal has full authority to bind
the binding entity.
Newtown Township seeks a consulting engineering firm that is experienced and equipped to provide the
following services, including but not limited to:
• Advise the Board and Manager or his/her designee on all matters pertaining to traffic engineering.
• Prepare plans, specifications and bidding schedules for construction, maintenance and repair of
highways and other construction projects. Run pre-construction meetings related to Township Projects.
• Serve as traffic engineer on Township construction and maintenance projects.
• Review subdivision, highway and traffic proposals, and for highway occupancy.
• Prepare bid specifications for annual highway construction projects.
• Attendance at project-based meetings as required by the Township Manager or their designee.
• Familiar with traffic signal operation and permitting.
• Provide Site inspections, Construction Observation, and Construction Management for municipal
projects, and process developer escrow release requests as related to traffic improvements.
• Provide grant writing and grant administration services for traffic related projects.
• Serve as Township liaison to PennDOT and other regulatory agencies as assigned by the Township.
• Attendance at Board of Supervisor meetings may be required (generally, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each
month, starting at 7pm)
Written proposals in accordance with the specifications and directions provided herein must be received
no later 4:00PM on Friday, February 28, 2025. Proposals must be sealed and clearly marked “Proposal for
Traffic Engineering Services” on the exterior of the envelope and addressed to: Township Manager,
100 Municipal Drive, Newtown, PA 18940. Proposals received after the date and time specified in this
RFQ will be rejected by the Township as non-responsive.
Respondents desiring to respond to the RFQ shall submit an original and two (2) copies of the proposal,
marked on the outside ‘RFQ FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES.” Service fees and hourly rates shall
be submitted with the proposal. All submission materials shall also be provided electronically, via a
thumb drive. The proposals shall include the name of the respondent. In order to be considered, a
proposal must be submitted no later than 4:00PM on Friday, February 28, 2025 to the attention of the
Township Manager.
Responses sent by telephone or email will not be accepted. It is the sole responsibility of each proposer
to ensure that its proposal reaches the Township by the time and date specified. Once opened, all
responses become the public record and will be available to the public for review.
The following information should be included in the submitted RFQ.
A. Letter of Introduction – Briefly describe the firm, including its history and number and location of
offices; the name, address, email and phone number of the contact person as well as a summary of the
respondent’s understanding of the scope of services and overall approach to providing those services.
The letter should be signed by an officer or principal of the respondent’s firm authorized to bind the firm
of all commitments made in the proposal.
B. Experience and Qualifications – Describe any and all relevant experience and qualifications including
specific certifications and licensures of the primary consulting engineer that would be assigned to
Newtown Township, as well as all key individuals that may be involved in providing the services specified
in the Scope of Services. Provide resumes for all key personnel. Include a list of transportation related
projects the firm has participated in during the past five (5) years within a 50-mile radius of Bucks County
and indicate the firm’s role in each project (e.g. design, bidding, engineering, review, administration,
construction administration, etc. The Engineer must be registered as a professional engineer by the
Pennsylvania State Board of Professional Engineers. He/She must have a B.S. degree with work in
engineering and three years of public work and/or traffic engineering experience.
C. Community/Civic Engagement – If applicable, describe and provide examples of the firm’s
involvement in community service, civic organizations, and charity work.
D. References – Provide at least three (3) references that may be contacted for verification of the
respondent’s experience and qualifications with municipalities in Pennsylvania; preferably second-class
townships in the Greater Philadelphia Region.
E. Rate and Service Structure – Provide the comprehensive fee schedule for personnel and services.
Provide a sample of an invoice for traffic engineering services for a current or former municipal client,
redacting contact or other sensitive information where appropriate.
F. Legal – Describe any lawsuits filed against the firm during the past five (5) years.
G. Insurance Requirements – All required insurance must be current and up to date in advance and
renewed annually. A consultant may not work for Newtown Township until the appropriate insurance
has been provided and approved by the Township Solicitor. This shall be verified by Township staff.
The Township will review the responses to the RFQ and decide as to the most responsive, best suited,
and most qualified to provide the services requested. A limited number of candidates may be selected
for interviews with the Township’s Board of Supervisors and Manager, after which the Traffic Engineer
will be appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
Generally, the selection criteria will include, but is not limited to:
• The responsiveness to the specific needs of the Township and an understanding of the services to be
• Experience, expertise and knowledge particular to the Township’s needs, in providing services of a
similar nature.
• The skills, education, experience, and “fit” of the consultant assigned to the Township
• References
• Cost
The selected Consultant shall submit monthly invoices, separated by project, to the Township for the
services rendered in that month. The invoices shall include a summary as well as a detailed breakdown
of the tasks, personnel, the hours and hourly rates.
The selected Consultant shall be expected to comply with all applicable federal, state, and township
regulations and contract provisions.