Full Time Public Works Employee

    Full Time Public Works Employee - Newtown Township, Bucks County, Pa. Newtown Township, Bucks County Pa is seeking applicants for one (1) Public Works employee. This is a full-time non-exempt position with benefits and a starting salary of $57,616.00. Pay-rate increases occur annually in incremental steps over the course of 6 years. Qualified [...]

2025-03-19T08:34:08-04:00March 17th, 2025|Employment, Highlight, Public Works|

Stormwater management in Newtown Township

Stormwater runoff is generated when precipitation from rain and snow melt events flow over land and impervious surfaces and does not infiltrate into the ground. The runoff from streets, lawns, farms, and construction and industrial sites pick up fertilizers, dirt, pesticides, oil, grease and many other pollutants and discharge into our lakes, streams and rivers. [...]

2024-12-30T11:59:11-05:00August 7th, 2016|Public Works|
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