Now Hiring
Part-Time Seasonal Employees

Newtown Township, Bucks County, is currently accepting applications for Part-Time Seasonal
Employees for its Public Works/Parks & Recreation Departments for the 2023 season.
Seasonal staff are typically employed between the months of April through September (7:00 AM
– 3:30 PM), however the Township will consider a flexible work schedule for desired candidates
in order to accommodate enrollment in college classes. Duties include routine grounds
maintenance, mulching, mowing, refuse removal, and general facilities maintenance.
Applicants must be 18 years of age at the time of application, with a valid PA driver’s license,
and have appropriate experience. Applications are available at the Newtown Township
Administration Offices, or online at Applications are available at the
Newtown Township Administration Building located at 100 Municipal Drive, Newtown PA 18940.
Applications may be submitted in person, by US Mail, by email at, or by
fax to 215-968-5368. Starting pay rate is $15.00 per hour. Newtown Township is an EOE.