First thing is to contact Newtown Township Public Works Department via email at within 48hrs after the snow event is over. In the email make sure to specify if you require a temporary mailbox, so that your mail service is not impacted.
Following notification, the Public Works Director will do an inspection of to determine if the mailbox came in direct contact with a Township/Contractor plow truck. Do not discard the damaged mailbox before an inspection is done.
If it is determined at this time that a Township/Contractor plow truck came in contact with your mailbox causing damage, then reimbursement will be processed.
Reasons that your mailbox would not qualify for reimbursement:
- Placement or location of the mailbox does not meet the United States Postal Service guidelines. See attached diagram, and visit the USPS website for more details.
- Damaged, rusted or rotted post/support arm.
- Leaning over the curb line into the drive lane.
- Damaged from thrown or heavy snow accumulated during a winter event.
- If it is determined that contact with a Township/Contractor plow did not occur.