Police Officers are on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Currently there are 30 full-time sworn police officers and four full-time civilian support staff.
The department is organized into a Patrol Division and a Criminal Investigations Division. There are several specialty units within the Patrol Division including, Traffic Safety, Highway Patrol Motorcycle Unit, Truck Enforcement Task Force, Honor Guard, Crisis Intervention Team, and members of the M.I.R.T. and S.E.R.T. teams.
During the last ten years, the Department answered an average of more than 14,000 calls annually for service. In 2020, the department responded to 17,193 calls and investigated over 300 motor vehicle accidents.
The department is one of ninety-two accredited Pennsylvania departments by the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police. The department attained this status in December of 2013.

Forms & Documents
Online and downloadable forms from the Newtown Township Police Department including soliciting, home checks, safety concerns, and right to know.

Community Policing
A pro-active approach to community involvement and education to build a stronger and safer township.

Services Offered
Fingerprinting, tours, home inspections, and drug disposal. Find all of the services offered beyond the call of duty.
Newtown Police on Crimewatch
Some frequently asked questions
Ink based fingerprinting services are offered through the Newtown Township Police Department. They are done for a fee of $25.00, payable by check, credit card or exact cash. Fingerprinting is done on an appointment basis. Please contact Dan Hibbs at (215) 968-2800 x220 to schedule an appointment or for more information. If you are a volunteer/teacher/health care worker and need to obtain electronic fingerprints, please visit the PA COGENT websitefor more information.
NOTE: The Newtown Township Police Department does not offer electronic/digital fingerprints.
Soliciting is only allowed with a proper permit. Permits can only be obtained at the police department. The applicant must provide photo identification, and the results from a criminal record check from the Pennsylvania State Police. Non-profit groups are exempt from the fee, but should still notify police when they are going to be working in the area.
For more information, please visit our solicitation information page by clicking here.
Please contact the Newtown Township Police Department Business Office during normal business hours, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM. They can be reached at 215-968-2800 ext 398, or 215-579-1000. No police reports are ever faxed. There is a fee of $15.00, per report, payable by check, credit card or exact cash.
Please contact the Newtown Township Police Department Business Office during normal business hours, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM. They can be reached at 215-968-2800 ext 398, or 215-579-1000. No police reports are ever faxed. There is a fee of $20.00, per report, payable by check, credit card or exact cash.
The only tickets that can be paid at the police station are parking tickets which are issued in yellow envelopes, typically placed on the windshield of your vehicle. Most parking tickets are issued to motorists who choose to park in the fire lanes of our shopping centers, too close to a fire hydrant or where parking is prohibited by signs. Another situation that leads to residents receiving parking tickets is during inclement weather when residents choose not to follow Township Ordinance 93-O-4 (click here to view Ordinance) which imposes restrictions on street parking.
In order to respond to and/or pay for State citations, please contact district court 07-2-07 at:
District Justice Michael W. Petrucci
28 North State Street
Newtown, PA 18940
(215) 968-1657
Newtown Township provides animal control services when necessary. If you require such services, please contact the Police Department at (215) 328-8524.
Aftermarket window tint films are allowed on the driver’s side and passenger’s side glass of the vehicle, as long as the light transmitted to the inside is at least 70% of the exterior light. The Newtown Township Police Department does have window tint meters, and it is a primary violation, which means you can be stopped based on window tint alone.
A Premise History File is kept at the 9-1-1 Center of Bucks County. The information that you supply to the 9-1-1 call center is only referred to should a 9-1-1 call come from this address. It will only contain the information you provide. The Premise History File will alert any and all emergency service responders to a person with disabilities or special needs that resides at your residence. Emergency responders can then respond to those with specific needs accordingly.
You can submit a Premise History File to the Newtown Township Police Department Here.