Rotary International logo

Rotary International

The main objective of a Rotary club is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world.

Club service involves all of the activities necessary for Rotarians to make their club function successfully. Vocational service is a description of the opportunity each Rotarian has to represent the dignity and utility of one’s own vocation to other members of the club. Community service pertains to those activities which Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community. It frequently involves assistance to youth, the aged, the handicapped and others who look to Rotary as a source of hope for a better life. International service describes the many programs and activities which Rotarians undertake to advance international understanding, goodwill and peace. International service projects are designed to meet humanitarian needs of people in many lands.

For further information visit Newtown Rotary, Rotary District 7430, or Rotary International

Lions International logo

Lions International

For nearly 80 years the International Association of Lions Clubs has devoted its efforts to the betterment of the community and the world at large. Business and community leaders from all over the world participate in a wide variety of programs and projects, all designed to help those less fortunate.

For further information visit Lions Club International.

Kiwanis International logo

Kiwanis International

The Kiwanis International, is an organization devoted to the principle of service, to the advancement of individual, community, and national welfare and to the strengthening of international goodwill. Kiwanis membership spans the globe, with more than 300,000 members in more that 8,000 clubs in 83 countries, giving $70 million and 7 million volunteer hours for community service each year.

For further information visit Kiwanis International.

Ancient Order of Hibernians in America logo

The Ancient Order of Hibernians in America

The Ancient Order of Hibernians Bucks County, PA Division 2, is a Catholic, Irish American fraternal Organization founded in New York City, 4 May, 1836. The Order can trace its roots back to a parent organization, of the same name, which has existed in Ireland for over 3000 years. However, while the organization share common thread, the North American A.O.H. is a separate and much larger organization. organization devoted to the principle of service, to the advancement of individual, community, and national welfare and to the strengthening of international goodwill.

For further information visit The Ancient Order of Hiberians Bucks County, PA Division 2

National Exchange Club logo

The Newtown Exchange Club

We are men and women from Newtown and nearby communities that wish to help improve the lives of others with a special focus on youth and family. The mission of Newtown Exchange Club is to support the initiatives of the National Exchange with an emphasis on giving back to the local community through service projects and monetary donations. The Newtown Exchange Club was chartered in 1934. The National Exchange organization endorses club programs in four areas: Community Service, Youth, Americanism and Child Abuse Prevention.

For further information, visit the Newtown Exchange Club or National Exchange Club